In the vast expanse of the cosmos, nestled within the habitable zone of its sun, Kepler-452B stands out as a celestial object of immense interest.

Kepler-452B, located approximately 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus, is a tantalizing exoplanet that has stirred the scientific community’s curiosity due to its remarkable similarities to our own home, Earth. Dubbed a “super-Earth,” Kepler-452B orbits a sun-like star, Kepler-452, and boasts a year that lasts 385 days – just 20 days longer than our own.

What makes Kepler-452B particularly intriguing is its position within the habitable zone, often referred to as the “Goldilocks zone.” This region is characterized by the right distance from its host star to allow for the existence of liquid water—a fundamental ingredient for life as we know it. The size of Kepler-452B, being only 60% larger than Earth, suggests a rocky composition, further fueling speculation about the potential for habitability.

The conditions on Kepler-452B, with its slightly older and brighter host star compared to our Sun, raise the possibility of a more stable environment over extended periods. The increased stellar luminosity may have provided the necessary energy for the development and maintenance of life-sustaining conditions on the surface.

Our remote viewing project aimed to uncover the secrets hidden within the landscapes of Kepler-452B, probing beyond the constraints of traditional observation methods. By tapping into the power of remote viewing, our team sought to explore the potential life forms, ecosystems, and geological features that may exist on this distant exoplanet.

Join us on this cosmic journey as we embark on a quest to unlock the mysteries of Kepler-452B and shed light on the possibility of life beyond our celestial boundaries!

The videos are below but in case they don’t work here is a list to their Youtube files.

Main presentation by Henni –
Coral –
Darby –
Dennis –
Daz –
Dimi –
Don –


Coral's RV

Darby's RV

Dennis's RV

Daz's RV

Dimi's RV

Don's RV